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All Discussions
What is Named Entity Recognition (NER)?
What is BLEU?
What is Syntactic Analysis?
What are some disadvantages of using a One-Hot Vector for NLP?
What are some advantages of using TF-IDF over TF?
What are some ambiguities faced in NLP?
How is Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) used in NLP?
When would you use Stemming over Lemmatisation, and vice-versa?
What is the difference between Lemmatisation and Stemming?
What is a One-Hot Vector? How can they be used in Natural Language Processing?
What are the different types of text Preprocessing?
What are the differences between TF-IDF and TF?
What are some of the advantages of using the Bag-of-Words to extract features?
Why is text preprocessing done in NLP?
What is agglomerative clustering?
When would you use gradient descent (GD) over stochastic gradient descent (SDG)?
What’s the “kernel trick” and how is it useful?
How do you handle a dataset with many missing values
How do you ensure you’re not overfitting with a model?
What are the main components of an ARIMA time series forecasting model?
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